Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just because.

Sneak Peek: Reasons to date someone in PIDSSA

A sneak peek on what to expect from my hand book. The tough part about this is that there are numerous 'reasons to date (blank)' online -- none which are politically whore-riented. Now I can politically whore myself out to the greater part of my student body.

1. We love our caucus

2. We learn about Dick and Bush foreign policy

3. We give new meaning to social ‘movements’

4. We are good with our invisible hands

5. We can get fiscal

6. We are experts at lying…down

7. Party whip. Enough said.

8. We are known for our riding

9. We know how to stimulus any package

10. It doesn’t matter where you fall on the spectrum -- we always divide and conquer.

11. We understand cleavages in all regions.

... I didn't say it would be good cleavages. Looks like this motorboat has capsized.

Back in Business

Oh herro everyone,

As many of you may know, my favourite person in the world, Greg Buck Smith has officially graduated the University of Ottawa in Political Science with a minor in Criminology and sassiness.

Therefore, I've had nothing to write about.