Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Support My Conquests

I invite you all to support my conquest to become...
PIDSSA's Director of Activism!!!!!!

Describe any unique abilities you bring to this position?
I can go without bathing (essential for this position), I love Che Guevara and Rage against the Machine. I know how to cook vegan meals as well as cook using my anarchist cookbook. My hands are generally in fist format and I like breaking shit -- especially the system. I believe in rights; human rights, animal rights, vegetable rights. But definitely not THE right. I bleed hummus and use pita as my band-aids.

Fact: Iarusso has just applied against me.
Her experience:
I work for a Conservative Party of Canada MP. I know how to get things done. Solving Canada's unemployment "crisis" is not an issue.

Settling myths about global warming, women's rights issues, and ensuring freedom of speech (ie. letting Ann Coulter speak) remain priorities.

Universities are liberal institutions, and must remain that way.

As Greg Smith would say: Fur Real?
I guess there's only one way to settle this debacle.


  1. This is ridiculous. You can go without bathing...? Please, you and half this university. Nothing special.

    Also, you hate CFS, and you love meat.

    Stop lying to the students, Amanda!!! THEY WANT THE TRUTH, THEY WANT ANN!

  2. Iarusso should go in a time out.

    Just sit there, quietly.

  3. Since I'm an answer man, here's the solution:

    Fill a kiddie pool with pudding. The Amanda's will battle.

    That's it.
